The beloved manga series 'The Quintessential Quintuplets' by Negi Haruba continues to captivate the anime world with exciting announcements, even years after its conclusion. Recent reveals have ignited anticipation for thrilling new projects, hinting at an expanded universe for the Nakano sisters and Futaro Uesugi.
From manga serialization to anime adaptations, the series has captured the hearts of fans worldwide. The journey of The Quintessential Quintuplets through various adaptations began with the anime television series produced by Tezuka Productions. Premiering from January 10 to March 28, 2019, on the TBS, SUN, and BS-TBS channels, the first season introduced audiences to the endearing characters and captivating storyline. The second season, animated by Bibury Animation Studios, followed suit, along with a movie sequel in 2022. The movie, serving as the official finale of the series, was released in Japan on May 20, 2022, and became available for streaming on April 27, 2023. The momentum continued with a special anime television episode by Studio Shaft in September 2023, screened in Japanese theaters starting July 14, 2023.
Now, fans can rejoice as The Quintessential Quintuplets announces its return with a new anime-original project titled 'The Quintessential Quintuplets ∗'. The unveiling took place at the series' 5th-anniversary event in Yokohama Arena on April 28, 2024, showcasing the first footage(PV) and a visual from the upcoming "Honeymoon Arc." Original creator Negi Haruba will oversee the project, ensuring authenticity and quality in depicting anime-original events surrounding Futaro Uesugi and the five Nakano sisters—Ichika, Nino, Miku, Yotsuba, and Itsuki—as they embark on their honeymoon. The announcement trailer, featuring five new projects for the anniversary, delighted fans and set the stage for the next chapter of the quintessential journey.
Voice actors including Yoshitugu Matsuoka (Uesegi), Kana Hanazawa (Ichika Nakano), Ayana Taketatsu (Nino Nakano), Miku Ito (Miku Nanako), Inori Minase (Itsuki Nakano), and Ayane Sakura (Yotsuba Nakano) graced the anniversary event with their presence, adding to the excitement surrounding the new projects. Alongside the anime, a new light novel and art exhibition will enrich the Quintessential Quintuplets experience, promising more depth and exploration into the beloved characters.
The Quintessential Quintuplets series has enjoyed immense success, with over 20 million copies in circulation and a ranking among the top-selling manga in history. With the manga concluded, the announcement of a new anime-original project in the form of a film and a light novel underscores the ongoing popularity and enduring legacy of The Quintessential Quintuplets.
As fans eagerly await further details on release dates and formats, the quintessential journey of Futaro Uesugi and the Nakano sisters continues to captivate audiences, promising more laughter, romance, and heartwarming moments in the beloved world of The Quintessential Quintuplets.