Directed by Junichi Yamamoto, known for his work on "More Than a Married Couple, But Not Lovers" and "Armor Shop for Ladies & Gentlemen," the anime features a talented cast: Sakura Shinfuku as Mizuho Nishino, Kazuki Ura as Kizuki Hazawa, Sion Yoshitaka as Shin Kashiwagi, Shoya Chiba as Airu Izumi, and Satoshi Inomata as Shugo Hoshikawa. Each voice actor brings depth and personality to their roles, ensuring a captivating portrayal of the manga's beloved characters.
Image via Anyway, I'm Falling in Love with You. anime's Twitter/X account |
The manga, serialized in Kodansha's Nakayoshi magazine since October 2020, follows Mizuho Nishino as she navigates the complexities of adolescence and romance amidst a global pandemic. Kodansha USA Publishing has also brought the series to English-speaking audiences, describing it as a heartfelt exploration of love, friendship, and personal growth during challenging times.
Image via Anyway, I'm Falling in Love with You. anime's website |
Alongside the cast announcement, the anime released a teaser video and visual artwork that encapsulate the essence of the series. These visuals depict Mizuho and her friends, setting the stage for the emotional journey that awaits viewers. While the animation studio responsible for the project has not yet been disclosed, fans eagerly await further updates on the production details for "Anyway, I'm Falling in Love with You."
With its compelling narrative and relatable characters, "Anyway, I'm Falling in Love with You" promises to be a standout addition to the romance anime genre. As the January 2025 premiere date draws nearer, fans worldwide are eagerly anticipating the opportunity to immerse themselves in Mizuho's story of love and self-discovery amidst extraordinary circumstances.