Exciting news has emerged for fans of fantasy literature as Kadokawa announces the upcoming anime adaptation of the popular light novel series "Once Upon a Witch's Death: The Tale of the One Thousand Tears of Joy." Authored by Saka and illustrated by Chorefuji, the series has held readers spellbound since its initial release on the Kakuyomu website in October 2019, concluding in August 2022.
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Directed by Atsushi Nigorikawa (known for "A Destructive God Sits Next to Me," "Between the Sky and Sea," and "Beast Tamer"), the anime adaptation will be handled by EMT Squared. Yukishizuku will adapt Chorefuji's intricate character designs for animation, while Keiichiro Ochi (renowned for "Adachi and Shimamura" and "The Quintessential Quintuplets") oversees the series scripts.
Anticipation is high for the premiere of "Once Upon a Witch's Death" in 2025, with further details to be revealed as excitement builds for this enchanting adaptation. As the story continues to resonate globally, the anime is set to deliver a heartfelt journey filled with emotion, magic, and the enduring quest for hope in the face of adversity.