Set to premiere on August 9, 2024, in Japan, Eiga Crayon Shin-chan: Ora-tachi no Kyōryū Nikki marks the 31st entry in the beloved Crayon Shin-chan anime franchise. Directed by Shinobu Sasaki, renowned for his work on the Duel Masters series, and featuring a screenplay by Moral, a seasoned writer for the Crayon Shin-chan TV anime, the film promises an exhilarating adventure for fans of all ages.
The narrative unfolds at Dino's Island, a renowned theme park in Tokyo where dinosaurs have been resurrected. During their visit to the park, Shinnosuke and his friends embark on a tour that leads to unexpected encounters. Meanwhile, in Kasukabe, the Nobara family’s loyal pet dog, Shiro, strikes up an unlikely friendship with a delightful dinosaur named Nana. Their bond strengthens as they share a summer of adventures, creating lasting memories. However, Nana harbours a secret that could disrupt their serene holiday.
Blending heartwarming themes with thrilling escapades, the film is poised to captivate audiences, much like its predecessors. Stay tuned as Eiga Crayon Shin-chan: Ora-tachi no Kyōryū Nikki weaves a tale of friendship, exploration, and unexpected twists against the vibrant backdrop of Tokyo and the tranquil landscapes of Kasukabe.