The highly anticipated anime adaptation of Jirō Sugiura's manga "My Wife Has No Emotion" (Boku no Tsuma wa Kanjō ga nai) has generated excitement with the release of its main promotional video. Released on 10th June, which is unofficially known as Robot Day in Japan due to a wordplay pun involving the numbers 6 (roku) and 10 (ju) sounding like "robo," the video features the series' opening and ending theme songs performed by notable artists.
Theme Songs and Performers
The opening theme, "Okaerinasai" (Welcome Back), is performed by VTuber Sora Tokino. Known for her affiliation with Hololive, this marks Tokino's first time contributing a theme song to an anime series. The ending theme, "Wave," is sung by Miisha Shimizu, who is also making her anime music debut. Their involvement introduces a unique auditory experience to the series, aligning perfectly with the story's exploration of unconventional relationships and emotional growth.
"My Wife Has No Emotion" is scheduled to premiere on 2nd July 2024 at 11:00 p.m. JST on Tokyo MX, with subsequent broadcasts on MBS and BS Asahi channels. The anime promises to bring to life the heartwarming story of a man and his robot companion, exploring the evolving dynamics of their relationship. The plot centres on Takuma, a single salaryman overwhelmed by his daily routine. To ease his workload, he purchases a housekeeping robot named Mina. What starts as a light-hearted joke about Mina becoming his wife gradually evolves into a deeper emotional connection. As they spend more time together, including outdoor picnics, Takuma begins to develop genuine feelings for Mina, challenging the boundaries of a human-robot relationship and raising profound questions about love and companionship.
The manga began in Kadokawa's Comic Flapper magazine in 2019, with the seventh volume released in October 2023. Seven Seas Entertainment, the publisher of the English version, plans to release the seventh volume on 17th September 2024.
Directed by Fumihiro Yoshimura, known for his work on "Kumi to Tulip" and "Jungle Emperor Leo: Hon-o-ji," the anime is produced by Tezuka Productions. Mitsutaka Hirota, recognised for his series composition work on "Edens Zero" and "Rent-A-Girlfriend," is in charge of the scriptwriting. Character designs are by Zenjirou Ukulele, who was the chief animation director for "Naruto Shippūden," ensuring a visually appealing series.
The additional production team includes:
- Colour Design: Megumi Furuya
- Art Director: Jirō Kōno
- Compositing Director of Photography: Yoshie Itō
- Editing: Yuri Tamura
- 3D Directors: Bibury Animation CG, Beijing Xie Le Art Co., Ltd.
- Sound Director: Takumi Itō
- Sound Production: HALF H·P STUDIO
- Music: Kanade Sakuma, Hanae Nakamura, Natsumi Tabuchi, Miki Sakurai
- Music Production: Nichion
The voice cast features both seasoned and emerging talents:
- Toshiyuki Toyonaga as Takuma
- Konomi Inagaki as Mina
- Yoshino Aoyama as Akari Kosugi
- Yū Serizawa as Super Mina
- Risae Matsuda as Rihito Saionji
- Yūki Wakai as Mamoru
"My Wife Has No Emotion" is poised to be a unique and touching exploration of love and companionship in a modern world. With its intriguing premise and talented cast and crew, the series is set to captivate audiences with its heartfelt narrative and beautiful animation. The involvement of VTuber Sora Tokino and singer Miisha Shimizu in the theme songs further enhances the series' appeal, promising a memorable auditory experience to complement the visual storytelling. As the premiere date approaches, anticipation continues to build for what promises to be a thought-provoking and emotionally resonant anime.