On Wednesday, July 3rd, the anime adaptation of Mai Tanaka's manga "A Terrified Teacher at Ghoul School!" unveiled its plans with a flurry of exciting updates. A striking teaser visual was released alongside the announcement of the main cast and crew, setting the stage for its anticipated premiere in October.
Image via A Terrified Teacher at Ghoul School! anime's website |
Originally serialized in Square Enix's Monthly G Fantasy from 2014 onward, the manga continues to captivate readers with its ongoing storyline. Yen Press handles the English publication, describing the narrative of Haruaki Abe, a timid teacher facing the challenge of educating a classroom filled with mischievous monsters. Despite his fears, he must contend with students who take delight in playing pranks on him. Recently, Square Enix released the manga's 16th volume on December 27th, with Yen Press preparing to release the 15th volume on September 17th.
Anime enthusiasts eagerly anticipate the October premiere, looking forward to experiencing a captivating blend of comedy and horror that promises to vividly bring Tanaka's imaginative world to life on screen.