The highly anticipated television anime adaptation of Tsukasa Tanimai's "Teogonia" light novel series has unveiled key details including its main cast, staff members, and premiere window of 2025. The announcement was made by the anime's production team on Wednesday, alongside the release of its first promotional video.
Image courtesy of Hakuhodo DY Music & Pictures © TSUKASA TANIMAI/SHUFU TO SEIKATSU SHA CO..LTD./TEOGONIA Project |
Main Cast and Characters:
- Mutsumi Tamura takes on the role of Kai, a resilient boy hailing from the Village of Lag, constantly embroiled in battles against demi-human tribes.
- Kana Hanazawa voices Jose, the daughter of the village lord and a guardian bearer endowed with the powers of the land god.
Staff and Production:
- Kunihiro Mori, known for "Phantom in the Twilight," directs the anime at Asahi Production.
- Tomoyasu Okubo, credited for "This Ugly Yet Beautiful World," oversees the series scripts.
- Character designs are crafted by Kōichirō Kawano, the illustrator of the "Teogonia" light novels.
- Music composition is handled by Kenji Fujisawa, recognized for works like "Baki Hanma" and "Hyakko."
- The project is produced by WOWMAX.
Plot and Setting:
Set in a tumultuous era of warfare between humans and demi-human tribes such as the Ash Monkeys and Ogres, "Teogonia" follows Kai's journey. He emerges as a key figure in the conflict, recalling memories from an advanced world amidst his battles and the loss of comrades. The series promises a rich fantasy narrative exploring Kai's growth and challenges in a harsh environment.
Background of "Teogonia":
Tsukasa Tanimai began the series as a web novel on "Shōsetsuka ni Narō" in August 2017, with ongoing updates until October 2023. The novels are published under the Pash! Books label by Shufu to Seikatsu Sha, featuring illustrations by Kōichirō Kawano. Additionally, a manga adaptation by Shunsuke Aoyama is serialized on Pash Up!, with its 12th volume set to release soon.
Global Release:
Fans eagerly await the premiere of "Teogonia" in 2025, anticipating a captivating blend of action, fantasy, and character-driven storytelling based on Tsukasa Tanimai's intricate world-building and narrative depth.
For more updates and developments on the anime adaptation, stay tuned as the production progresses towards its premiere date.