EGUMI LEGACY, an eagerly awaited TV anime adaptation of the "Egumi Legacy" card game, has revealed a compelling new promotional video ahead of its scheduled premiere. Set to air on July 9 at 10:30 p.m. JST (9:30 a.m. EDT) on the AT-X channel in Japan, the series will also be available for simultaneous streaming on ABEMA, U-NEXT, Hulu, FOD, and Amazon Prime within Japan, and globally on the Ani-One Asia YouTube channel.
The anime showcases a talented cast of voice actors, headlined by Takuya Eguchi as Legendary Final Climax BOM, Yoshino Aoyama as End of the World, Sōma Saitō as Ukkari Hachibee, Yū Serizawa as Golden Retriever, Kōtarō Nishiyama as Uninvited Guest, Shinichirō Kamio as Wizard, Wataru Komada as Cursed Guitar Case, Wataru Hatano as God Eye, Daiki Kobayashi as Invisible Stalker / Perm Stripe, and Yoshiki Nakajima as Mohican Dot.
Directed by Masa Mori and produced by Studio Outrigger, EGUMI LEGACY brings to life a narrative crafted around the mysterious Egu Island. This floating oasis in the ocean is home to its residents' sole form of entertainment: the enchanting songs of "End of the World". However, the island's peace is shattered when the songstress suddenly disappears, triggering a tumultuous chain of events marked by anger, uncertainty, and intrigue. This turmoil culminates in what is ominously referred to as "The Great Licking War", a conflict fueled by the pursuit of both the missing singer and the enigmatic Egumi Legacy.
The series script, overseen by Masa Mori and Katsuya Kitano, promises to delve deep into the complexities of its characters and the unfolding drama. Original character designs by Takuya Eguchi add a distinctive touch to the anime's visual and narrative identity, complemented by Kyōhei Matsuo's musical compositions that set the tone for the series.
EGUMI LEGACY originated as a card game launched under the collaborative EGUMI brand by TAKALAKA and Eguchi in summer 2022. The game invites players to embody explorers on a quest to uncover the Egumi Legacy before the collapse of civilization, mirroring the stakes and intrigue portrayed in the anime adaptation.
Supporting the series' creative vision are notable talents such as Sara Matsumoto as Art Director and Color Designer, Naoki Yamashita as Director of Photography, and Kaisei Kishi as 3DCG Director. Sound direction by Ryō Tanaka, sound effects by Toshiya Wada, and casting management by Haruka Yamauchi ensure a comprehensive approach to audiovisual storytelling. Rei Kamiya stands at the helm as the producer, orchestrating the collaborative efforts that bring EGUMI LEGACY to life on screen.