The series follows Joe Higan, a former ninja (Nukenin) who escaped his clan and is hiding in rural America with his family. His past catches up with him when assassins from his former organisation attack him and his family, seeking retribution for his betrayal of their ancient code. Rising from what seemed like his death, Joe re-emerges as Ninja Kamui to avenge his loved ones. Using his ancient skills to confront high-tech weaponry, Joe faces trained assassins, combat cyborgs, and rival ninjas. The series is directed by Sunghoo Park (known for Jujutsu Kaisen and The God of High School), with character designs by Takeshi Okazaki (Afro Samurai, Star Wars: Visions, Batman Ninja), and produced by Park's new studio E&H Production in collaboration with Sola Entertainment (known for Lord of The Rings: War of The Rohirrim, Blade Runner: Black Lotus, and Ultraman).
Coinciding with the announcement of the second season, Rainmaker Productions and Sola Entertainment have launched a new game, Ninja Kamui: Shinobi Origins, now available on the Nintendo Switch. Developed by G.rev (Senko no Ronde, Yurukill: The Calumniation Games), the game immerses players in the intense world of Ninja Kamui. In Ninja Kamui: Shinobi Origins, players take on the role of Tsukumo, racing against time to slash and shoot their way through hordes of henchmen and deadly ninjas. The storyline unfolds as Tsukumo uncovers a sinister plot by AUZA to massacre his former ninja allies. Armed with his sword and "TYPE 0" boost gear, he confronts a cast of brutal ninja assassins, many of whom are from the Ninja Kamui anime.
Joseph Chou, CEO of Sola Entertainment, expressed his excitement for the series' success and the new game. "Ninja Kamui has become the most viewed anime ever in the history of both Adult Swim and Max," Chou stated. "We hope this game will continue to entertain fans around the world while we work on Season 2 of the anime. BE THE NINJA!" Although Adult Swim has not yet confirmed the second season on their side, the production company is moving forward with new episodes. Fans can look forward to revisiting the world of Ninja Kamui while enjoying the newly launched game.
As production progresses, there is no confirmed release date for Ninja Kamui Season 2. However, anticipation is high, and fans are encouraged to rewatch the first season, available for streaming on Max. Ninja Kamui, first announced in 2022 and spanning 13 episodes, has left a significant impact on the anime landscape. Its unique blend of ancient ninja skills and futuristic action, combined with compelling storytelling and exceptional animation, ensures that excitement for the second season will continue to build. For more information on the game, fans can visit the official website. As Ninja Kamui continues to captivate audiences, both the anime and the game promise thrilling adventures and intense action.